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The numerous reforms of the school system in recent years, combined with policies of budgetary restraint and new performance requirements under the influence of international surveys (Pisa) are gradually challenging the traditional model of school management. The headteacher is increasingly being asked to take on "managerial" functions, or even to take on a "leadership" role. In this context, the headteacher, and more broadly the management team, has a major influence on the school climate.
This training is organized around two main areas:
- analyzing and taking a step back from his managerial style
promoting the development of psychosocial skills within the institution.
This one-day training includes two modules:
- a module based on the theory of self-determination aimed at sensitizing management teams to their motivational style in the sense of greater support of the psychological needs of teachers and a reduction of "controlling" behaviors
- a module based on psychosocial skills aimed at instilling the implementation of practices likely to have a significant impact on the well-being at work of all school staff, and in turn on the well-being of students
Each of these modules consists of a one-hour lecture followed by an hour and a half of workshop work. The workshops aim to experiment with different practices related to motivational style and psychosocial skills and to consider their implementation in the singular context of one's institution.
Coordinator : Damien Tessier
damien.tessieruniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (damien[dot]tessier[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Request a ProMoBE training?
For more information, please contact:
projet.promobegmail.com (projet[dot]promobe[at]gmail[dot]com)
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