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Measurments tools


Regarding measurement, the ambition of the ProMoBE project - like any research project - is to be able to test hypotheses made on the basis of the literature by rigorously using reliable and valid tools.
Another ambition of the ProMoBE project is to reduce the gap between the world of educational psychology research and the world of teaching. To this end, we make the tools we use available so that teachers who wish to do so can use them to develop their own protocols.

Measuring the effects of the motivation module on students

Measured variables

Tool references

Number of dimensions

Items examples


Adaptation of the Echelle de Motivation envers l’École (Vallerand et al., 1989)

6 dimensions 

I go to college because I think it's important for later.

Psychological needs

Échelle de mesure des Besoins Psychologiques Fondamentaux (Deci, & Ryan, 2000).

3 dimensions 

In this course, I feel free to make decisions.

Perception of the teacher's motivational style

Adapted version of:

  • Learning Climate Questionnaire (Black & Deci, 2000) 
  • and Teacher As Social Questionnaire (Belmont, Skinner, Wellborn & Connell, 1988)

6 dimensions 

In this class, my teacher does everything to make sure that I understand the lesson.

Measuring the effects of the emotion module on student

Measured Variables

Tool references

Number of dimensions

Item example

School satisfaction

Échelle de mesure de la satisfaction scolaire (Fenouillet, Heutte, Martin-Krumm, Boniwell, 2014)

1 dimension

I like being in college

School anxiety

Echelle de mesure de l’anxiété (Hascoet, Pouille, et Boissicat, 2014)

1 dimension

Usually in college or before I go, I'm scared.

Emotional skills

Profil des compétences émotionnelles (Brasseur, Gregoire, Bourdu, Mikolajczak, 2013)

10 dimensions 

I can easily find the words to describe how I feel.

Measuring the effects of training on teachers

Measured variables

Tool references

Number of dimensions

Item example

Job satisfaction

Échelle de Satisfaction de Vie Professionnelle; Fouqueraux et Rioux, 2002 

1 dimension

Overall, my professional life is very much in line with my ideals.

Motivation to teach

Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale, Gagné et al., 2014

6 dimensions

I invest myself in my work because it has a personal meaning for me.


Utrecht Work Engagement Scale; Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzales-Roma et Bakker, 2002 

3 dimensions

I am bursting with energy for my work

Perception of his motivational style

Adapted version of:

  • Learning Climate Questionnaire (Black & Deci, 2000) 

  • and Teacher As Social Questionnaire (Belmont, Skinner, Wellborn & Connell, 1988)

6 dimensions

I am close to my students


Coordinator: Damien Tessier (damien[dot]tessier[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Submitted on January 23, 2024

Updated on January 24, 2024